Friday, April 10, 2009

first joint poetry project

Here is the first poem Jonah and I have ever written together. This was on April 2.

Rhyme Time

There was once a duck,
rodie, pocky Mortimer Tuck.

Piddy goat, Five Dive Hive,
went along the road to a pond.

Donald Duck went to the water
and pooped in the water:

All his clothes were torn.
Then what did he do?
Make a whistle on the poo.

By pape poh pope,
he ate a rope.

Yuck, said the duck.
Yuck, said the mommy.
You growed a poppy.


MaryAnn Bottman said...

Yesterday we got a laugh out of Thelma when we told her of Jonah's Quote yesterday about 1st comes the fart. Bob said he can't remember when Mom has laughed - thanks Jonah. Loved the new sword & shield.

Michael5000 said...
