Thursday, August 10, 2006

typical Czechs

Read this great real life story depicting typical Czech attitude. Source: message boards.

At least, the Prague city officials are trying to cope with dog droppings. I noticed paper bag dispensing staions at several parks in Prague, so people can scoop up the dog stuff and dispose of it in a trash container in a reinforced paper bag.

However, all good things at times are abused. As I was passing two elderly ladies were at the "bag disposal station" , having a conversation. I overheard the reply one old lady gave the other:

Q. What do you need all these bags for?
A. I'm getting these bags for my husband to carry his lunch to work.

"That is a good idea!" Replied the other:"I think I'll get some for my husband too!"

By the time they left, the dispenser was empty.

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