Tuesday, June 12, 2007

the terrible twos are here!

Because Jonah is such a genius and so advanced for his age (tongue in cheek, I hope you know), Tim and I are convinced that he has hit the terrible twos early. Why do we think so? He is so determined that any little thing he is not allowed and wants to do or vice versa - anything he doesn't want to do, but we make him do, sets him off. He screams, cries, kicks -you name it- to assert his will. Like whatever is happening is the biggest trategy or attrocity ever known to - well, our little man. It's quite a challenging stage, because it's very easy for the adult in the interaction to get angry and frustrated as well, which only escalates the situation.

Let's hope this phase passes quickly!

1 comment:

MaryAnn Bottman said...

I really don't remember Tim going through the terrible 2's, but then there was Uncle Andy. When I had lost it with him one day and was probably screaming I remember him saying to me "You are acting just like me!" Boy, did that made a point, but this will pass. Grandma M