Wednesday, September 03, 2008

contest: guess what time it is

Beer (or "pivo") time. Yes, but take a look at these candid camera shots of typical Czechs and tell me what time of day you think I took these pictures. The person closest to the correct time of day will win a small surprise via email.

P.S. Contest ends Saturday!


MaryAnn Bottman said...

I think it is 8 am, breakfast beer!!!!

jenni said...

i say 10am mid morning break beer.

Karin said...

I was gonna say 10am, too, so now I'll say 10:30am.

Those crazy Czechs. ;)

Michael5000 said...

I was gonna say that I was gonna say 10 am, but karin beat me to it. I'll go with 9 am.

Karin said...

na zdravi!

Tereza said...

And the winner is..... MaryAnn!!! Congratulations! The pictures were both taken at exactly 8:23 a.m.!!! Those crazy Czechs think beer makes a fine meal any time of day, I guess.

MaryAnn Bottman said...

Enjoyed my winning video - Thank!

Karin said...

8:23am? Seriously? Woah.

What does she win?

Tereza said...

MaryAnn won a short, sweet video of a Czech grandma making dumplings. Yeah, I thought 8:30 was a bit early for beer too! Tim got inspired :)