Friday, June 19, 2009

Jonah writes!

Today, for the first time, Jonah sat down and began, with a noteworthy amount of attention span and intention, to learn and write down letters.

He had been drawing circles for a while now, but today he started writing x's and then I taught him A's and T's. Using chalk, he wrote them with a gusto and a surprising precision for a three-year-old. He tried writing J's too, but kept reversing them, which is natural for younger kids, I believe.

A few hours later Jonah actually remembered the letters he learned earlier, writing them down again on a fresh piece of paper with a pen. How exciting!

1 comment:

MaryAnn Bottman said...

Way to go Jonah on printing your letters. Enjoyed all your recent pictures with your sister. Loved the picture of Tim in the armor (quite dashing!) as well as Jonah!