Tuesday, May 30, 2006

new mode of transportation

Jonah has figured out that crawling gets him places and isn't such a drag after all. Though it's not quite the hands and knees type of a crawl babies on TV show off, but more of an army crawl, belly dragging, the parents are relieved. That "walk me around" whining sound was wearing on us. So now Jonah is officially mobile. He has known how to crawl for some time, but at first it was so much work for him, that he would instantly get frustrated and insist on walking... with the help of mom or dad, of course. Crawling has gotten easier and more enjoyable. Jonah now uses his new skill to explore his surroundings. His favorite destinations include the sleeping cats, lint on the floor, any type of a screw or hole in a piece of furniture, and, last but not least, the cats' water bowl, for which we now have to find a new and elevated home. Jonah still crawls slowly, so it's easy to monitor him, but soon, I'm sure he will learn to cruise like a race car. Oh joy!

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