Saturday, September 16, 2006

Jonah phrase book

Here is a little guide to Jonah's language. It may come in handy. I will add to it as he learns new words.

  • ta (short for "bota") = shoe - NEW!*

  • ka (short for "knížka") = book

  • da (short for "voda") = water - NEW!

  • koka (short for "kočka" or "kočka") = cat

  • pey (short for "pejsek") = doggie - NEW!

  • mé (short for "méďa") = baby word for bear

  • kytí = baby word for flower

  • kačka = ducky

  • papa (short for "papat") = baby word for "eat," but I use it exclusively for "nurse" - NEW!

  • co je to? = what is this/that?

  • English:
  • door

  • kitty

  • book - NEW!

  • cup - NEW!

  • gun - NEW!

  • dada (or daddy)

  • mama (also Czech)

  • I think he also says "ka-kuh" for cracker (same word in Czech), but that one is very new

  • By the way, I just read that the average 18-month-old says ten words. Jonah knows more than that already. Hey, maybe he'll skip kindergarten altogether and go straight to baby college!

    * By NEW I mean Jonah started saying the word in the last two or three days though he understood it much longer ago.

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