Wednesday, October 03, 2007

midwife appointment

I had my monthly midwife appointment today. Jonah knew why this time. Our midwife's office is so cozy and great for the whole family. She makes tea for us, we chat, then we get to business. The atmosphere is so relaxed that I look forward to my visits there. There is always a basket of toys in the room that Jonah loves to play with. Today our midwife let Jonah stand on the scale and help her put the gel away after she listened to the baby's heartbeat.

All is going well with the pregnancy (knock on wood). The heartbeat is normal. My iron level is strong, I feel good...

For those that don't know, Tim and I decided to keep the sex of the baby a surprise until the baby is born. With Jonah, we wanted to find out and did so as soon as we could. This time I wanted a different experience. The mystery appealed to me. Plus, if it's a girl, maybe we can avoid the flood of pink frillies at least until the baby is here. Everybody tells me they think we are going to have another boy. I am not sure. Let us wait and see.


Karin said...

How far along are you now?

Tereza said...

I am 24 weeks today.