Sunday, November 18, 2007

adverbs & dad

Jonah's latest addition to his vocabulary are adverbs. He uses them at times randomly, but for the most time quite appropriately. Here are some of his favorites: too; still (as in: "I want to look at this page still"); and actually (as in "Mommy, I want to read this book, actually").

Dad has, for the most part, become "Tim" lately: "What are you doing there, Tim?" or "Tim, wanna buy something?" Sometimes daddy is even Timmy: "Timmy, want a sandwich?"

On the contrary, I am always "mommy", though Jonah has, when I have failed to pay attention to him, called me Teri, Tim's nickname for me.

Ah, kids...

1 comment:

MaryAnn Bottman said...

Jonah must have gotten the Timmy from his stay in Montana this summer.