Tuesday, November 27, 2007

the scooter that kicked my ass

The other day my little family went to the park. We brought Jonah's found scooter with us. Tim adjusted the handles to be tall enough for adults. Jonah likes being paraded around on it. I had to go to our local video store to return some movies and Tim suggested I use Jonah's scooter to get me there and back faster on such a cold, cold day. Sounded like a great idea. How many of you have ridden an old-fashioned scooter lately?

My out-of-shape me felt like a fool. I could hardly go for two blocks without taking a break. That strategic bend in the leg kicked my ass. After a while I thought my right leg would start shaking. They never did. I tried switching legs and riding on my left foot while pushing off with my right. I felt even more of a fool - so completely clumsy on my off-leg. Just you try it.

I alternated. Two blocks on the scooter, half a block walking along, wobbling along the on- and off- bumpy wheel-chair friendly ramps. Can people tell I'm 31-weeks pregnant under my heavy jacket, I kept thinking? What will the teenagers passing by think?

After a while I came to the conclusion that scooter riding was, once one got used to it, a pretty cool way to get around. And though I half walked and half rode, I still saved time.


MaryAnn Bottman said...

Oh, what a site to behold!

Cari said...

I can't believe I missed out on seeing a pregnant woman on a scooter!