Wednesday, July 12, 2006

eleven months old!

Jonah is now eleven months old. I can't believe it. He is almost a toddler. His teeth are pushing their way out at breakneck speed. His top ones have almost cut through his gums. On the bottom there are already two poking out. He will probably take his first steps within the next two weeks. He is so eager to be independent. But of course, he likes to be looked at and admired as he explores his surroundings. He checks our faces for our reactions constantly.

The most difficult challenge has been putting Jonah to sleep, whether for naps or for the night. Unless he is absolutely exhausted to the point of passing out as soon as he lays down, which never happens, he insists on being angry about having to even be in the same room as his crib. Tim has mastered the art of putting Jonah down. It does take him fifteen to thirty minutes each time, but he has the patience to do it, and somehow Jonah seems much calmer with him. With me, Jonah is as hyper as if he'd had a giant espresso drink. He has also become extremely attached to me in the last two weeks. Today when I left for work, I sware I heard the windows cracking from how shrill and loud his cry was.

I wonder if my grandmother is right that he doesn't want to be seperated from me even because of sleep, so when I try to put him down, he stays wide awake and playful so we never have to say goodbye. I hope she is right when she says that this phase too shall pass.

Today he surprised me. When I said "bear" in Czech, he turned his head and looked right at a teddy bear on a quilt from Tim's grandma Mary Lou. He then pet it and laughed. He did the same thing later today. So, now he says mama and understands "up," "kitty" and "doggy" in Czech as well as "Chces papat?" which means "Do you want to eat?" For a while I thought he understood "uncle Andy" and "babicka," which means grandma, but I am not sure anymore. He also understands dad, it seems.

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