Tuesday, March 04, 2008

bye bye, bunny

Jonah has frequently been asking about what happened to the baby. Today, for change, he asked me where my big belly is. I explained, but he wasn't satisfied, so I decided to do a reenactment of Amalia's short life using two of Jonah's stuffed animals. Gray dog was mom and bunny was baby.

When I got to the part when I said goodbye to Amalia, I didn't know where to put her, so I just ended the skit with the baby lying down and mom saying goodbye.

Jonah then took the baby bunny, a.k.a. Amalia, and performed his own version of the event. He laid the bunny down and waved at it, saying in a resolute yet jovial tone: "You're sick. Bye, bye." Then he threw the bunny across the room into a corner with a mighty force. We then moved on to a different activity.

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