Thursday, August 25, 2005


Jonah had his two-week exam today - first one back at the birth center. The midwives have done home visits up until now to check up on baby and me. That's been so nice!

We got to visit the room where Jonah was born. I took a picture of the very bed where it happened. If I described the birth center to you as a bed and breakfast, you now can see what I mean.

Also, I took a picture of one of our midwives, Lynnette, listening to Jonah's heart and lungs, both of which sound nice and strong.

They did the second part of the newborn screen, a blood sample, and of course baby hated it. Tim and I made the midwives hold him so he associates the pain with them, not his loving parents. The first part of the newborn screen done a week ago came back normal. Yay!

The best news was that he has gained nearly a pound in the last week! The goal was to get his weight up to his original birth weight, since he lost some in the first couple of days. He surpassed the goal by half a pound. Yippeee for our favorite breast milk drinker!!!

1 comment:

Karin said...

Hooray for all three of you! Happy two-week b-day, Jonah! Keep up the good work!