Sunday, May 18, 2008

I voted today

My first time voting... because now I can!


Karin said...


Makes me remember going with my mom when she went to vote. This was back in the day and also in NY and the voting booth was just a little curtained off area.

I remember everyone we knew was there. Except Dad. I don't ever remember my dad voting. huh.

Anyway, good for you!

Sondra said...

I voted today, too. It always makes me feel good.
Hooray, for your new right.


Michael5000 said...

Hey, wait a minute! Is that little guy in red old enough to cast a ballot?

Cari said...

Yay! Me too! It was weird not going into a voting machine and closing the curtains with the big cachunka cachunka lever etc, though. You'll need to live in a state with old-style voting booths at some point, so you can get the full experience.