Tuesday, July 29, 2008

check-ups all around

We took our kitties to the vet for their check-ups, shots - the works before our big move. Now that they are both in their senior years, we figured might as well have their teeth checked and cleaned for the first time. Fini's were just fine, but Pancho had some spoiled teeth, poor old cat, so they had to pull a few out. Apparently he had been in pain, so the extractions would make him feel better once healed.

When the kitties got home, I had to warn Jonah to be gentle to the kitties after their surgery. I told him that they had their teeth cleaned and pulled. He was very concerned and said the following:

"I'm gonna ride (my scooter) to the store for more teeth, for new teeth... new teeth for Pancho, new teeth for Fini."


"I'll run to the store and get new teeth for Pancho. And he'll feel better and it'll not be hurting and he'll eat food with the new teeth. And he'll say thank you."

What a sweet, caring boy.

Today we went for his three-year check-up. He said: "Oh, like the kitties." Something like that, anyway. Except no shots, no teeth pulled.

He now weighs 31.5 lbs and measures 37 inches, which puts him in the 50th percentile in weight and 90th percentile in height.

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